How to make a simple diaper cake

When my friend had her baby shower, I didn't know what to get her. She probably has everything already. So I made her a diaper cake!! No mother can ever have enough diapers (mothers out there will agree with me) Yes its really simple and I did it all by myself. I like this diaper cake because there was no pins involved and was easy to put it together.
You will need diapers, ribbons, strings, cake base, gifts to decorate the cake and something cylindrical for the middle part of the cake. I used about 60pcs of newborn diapers for this 3 tier diaper cake.
First, place the center piece ( I used a milk powder dispenser, you can use baby bottle or even a paper towel roll) in the baking tin. The baking tin will help you to hold the diapers around the centerpiece if you don't have another person to help you. Lay the diapers in a line and wrap around the centerpiece.
Once the diaper goes around the centerpiece, tie it tight with a string to hold it together. Move the first layer on to the base of the cake and work your tiers up.
Repeat by lining up the diapers and start building around the first tier. If you have 2 people doing it , it will be easier. The other person can hold the diapers together while the other ties a string around it. Place the tiers on top of each other.
Once done you can use ribbons to tie around the tiers. I used a wrapping paper and ribbon to make the borders thicker. I stuck the ribbon onto the wrapping paper and cut it to the width I like to wrap around the tier.
Because the diapers had prints on them, I made the borders thicker to cover more of the tiers. I added an alphabet J on it. And taaddddaaaa..... the Diaper cake is done. From here on you can put anything you like to decorate it. I would suggest to work with a theme or a color scheme. I worked with the color blue :)
The final piece at the baby shower. Simple and practical gift for the new mother-to-be. Try it out and look at pinterest for ideas on decorating the diaper cake.